About us
We give the auction world the power to evolve its businesses
Barnebys Group provides the auction industry the tools to manage its businesses without a dependancy on other platforms.
The Story of Barnebys
EST. 2011
Barnebys Group is a Swedish company with offices located in Stockholm, London and New York.
The idea behind Barnebys came when we ourselves realised how difficult it was to navigate around the art world. This was back in 2011, when, after many hours searching the web, the results were practically fruitless: there was no where to access all art and antiques in one place.
Our Swedish site was launched in the fall of 2011, and just a couple of months later, the lion's share of the Scandinavian houses were affiliated with Barnebys and just a click away. We've come a long way since, and we’re now in the US, UK, France, Spain, Germany and Italy.
We're positive that our concept – where the auction house and dealers are put at the forefront to maintain their customer relationships – will remain a success.
Since then, we have added Collectors Weekly, Value My Stuff and Skeleton to our portfolio.

Christopher Barnekow and Pontus Silfverstolpe, the founders of Barnebys.
Our Culture
At Barnebys Group, we are constantly iterating, solving problems and working together to connect the auction world all over the world. That’s why it’s important that our workforce reflects the diversity of the people we serve. People with different backgrounds and points of view help us make better decisions, build better products and create better experiences for everyone.